Anti-aging medicine is a medical specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. This is quite different from tackling the aging process itself, and a wide array of strategies and therapies are currently available. Calorie restriction, for example, is a demonstrated way to lower risk for a wide range of age-related degenerative conditions. The concept of "optimizing natural longevity" is useful when trying to draw a distinct line between what you can do now to lead a longer, healthier life, and what will be possible in the future. We can presume that there exists, for each person, some maximum life span - an "optimized natural longevity" - that can reach using modern medicine and appropriate lifestyle and diet choices. You can adopt calorie restriction, exercise, keep up a good relationship with a physician, and spend an appropriate amount on supplements and healthcare. Each of these items will help you to optimize your natural longevity - enable you to live a few years longer and in better health than you would otherwise have done. Aging is a biological state with 3 phases :-       Phase   1: Ages 25 to 35, where hormonal levels start to decrease. Internal cellular damage by free radicals formation (caused by Environmental pollution, poor diet, stress, etc) is happening. -       Phase   2:   Ages 35 to 45. The production of many hormones has fallen by more than 25%. Clinical symptoms are making their presence felt on the outside. On the inside, cellular damage by free radical continues, where the rate of damage depends on the lifestyle. -       Phase   3 : Ages 45 and above. Most hormone production continues to decline. Outwardly, early signs and symptoms of aging seen worsen. The skin is further dehydrated and thinned as collagen fibers break down. Chronic illnesses became very apparent as organs begin to fail. Inwardly, as our cells succumb to assaults, mutation and cancer can arise. ARE THERE REALISTIC WAYS TO SLOW DOWN THE AGING PROCESS? The answer is yes!! But you need to know what to look for when you make choices on anti aging solutions. There are key ingredients to look for in order to find a true anti aging system or product. We can guide with you on these very important decisions that really will deliver results. It's never too late to slow down the aging process. The anti aging tips provided on this website will give you everything you need to know to look younger and feel good about yourself. There are essentially five main points in order of relative importance. 1. Anti aging Nutrition - Eat according to metabolic type, blood type and glycemic index - Eat foods containing the proper amounts of fiber - Eat foods free from pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones - Anti aging supplements, for basic vitamin, mineral, and anti-oxidant protection - Drink enough water on a daily basis Testing systems like blood and metabolic typing are tools to help determine what to eat for optimal health based on biochemical individuality. The glycemic index deals with blood sugar response to the foods you eat. It is an index that tells us how fast a particular food raises blood sugar levels. Rapid blood sugar increases in turn cause insulin increases and thus are best avoided. This is a key component of a longevity and anti aging diet; as the lower our average insulin levels the longer we will live. Knowing the nutrient content of foods, helps ensure we are getting the quality nutrition the body needs to function optimally and maintain health for as long as possible. The issues about anti aging and food, mainly concern food sensitivities or allergies that can increase inflammation and blood sugar count, which accelerate the aging process. The nutrient and antioxidant content of foods help control the physiological processes of aging, like as oxidative stress, cardiovascular health, and blood sugar levels. The effects of food processing can also alter their nutrient content and thus their value in an anti aging diet. Cooking can sometimes destroy valuable nutrients that are sensitive to heat. Milling can remove B-vitamins and good fiber from grains, rendering them less nutritious and more prone to cause rapid increases in blood sugar. Refined foods have been identified by many anti aging and health experts as one of the leading causes of chronic illness! Thus for anti aging nutrition purposes, foods should be eaten as close to their natural raw state as is safe and practical. Nutritional supplements are used to fill in the gaps with regard to vitamins and minerals that may not be supplied in adequate quantities in an individual's diet. Nutraceuticals and anti aging supplements are used to address specific medical conditions, which are related to the aging process in a way that is similar to drugs, but which is much safer. Aside from nutritional supplementation where needed, anti aging food of high quality and minimal processing remains one of the most powerful ways to ensure an optimal anti aging diet! If we are looking for ways to be healthier and live longer then we need to follow a healthy diet. We shouldn't wait until we start falling apart before implementing an anti aging nutrition regimen. Food creates energy and energy allows the body to produce free radicals. Free radicals contribute to certain diseases and the aging process. In order to neutralize free radicals, the body fights with antioxidants like vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They come from the food that we eat. These antioxidants are found in most fruits and vegetables and can also be taken as supplements to a diet. Anti aging nutrition is the key to slowing down or reversing the aging process. If we want to be healthy, live longer and look younger we need to make sure that our bodies get the nutrients that it needs.Our lifestyle and diet effect how we age. The good news is we can change some of our bad habits and implement new healthy habits. Doing this gives us a better chance to live a longer, healthier life. 2. Sleep - Get the required amount of restorative REM sleep each night 3. Exercise - Strength training to maintain lean muscle and bone density - Cardiovascular exercise for heart and lungs - Stretch to maintain flexibility and prevent injury People who exercise will be stronger, healthier and younger. 4. Hormonal Optimization - Herbs and nutritional supplements to optimize hormonal status - Bio-identical hormones prescribed by an anti aging physician - Neutralize the effects of environmental estrogens Optimizing your hormonal profile is vital for maintaining your immune health and warding off disease and infections.The optimization of these hormones requires precise testing to determine baseline levels and follow up testing to determine the results of the anti aging hormone preparations that have been administered. This should be done by a qualified anti aging physician.Keep in mind; these hormonal supplements don't come without warnings and side effects and any supplement that you take, might react adversely with other medications that you are taking, so be sure to consult with a physician before considering or taking any anti-aging therapy. 5. Emotional Health - Minimize effects of stress with relaxation techniquesEmotional health concerns the way you react to stress and what strategies you use to cope with stressful situations. Mental health is the ability to think clearly and logically, and to interact in a productive manner with your environment. That your emotions affect you physically is no secret, but most people do not understand why or how. Some emotions cause the release of stress hormones, which have negative effects on our bodies and can even speed up the aging process. Emotional and mental health can be optimized by ensuring good brain health, as well as learning how to reduce stress. This will allow you to avoid the destructive physiological effects of stress in your environment. Stress increases the levels of cortisol production in our body, which accelerates the aging process. Most stress relief modalities fall into 3 broad categories: Mental, Physical and Functional. Mental activities for stress reduction include music, reading, meditation, singing, etc. Physical activities include exercise and sports, Yoga, bicycling, walking, swimming etc. Functional style activities include massage, Zigong, hydro-therapy, etc. These methods can be mixed and matched. Find out that works best for you and make stress reduction a habit. TESTING FOR AN ANTI AGING PROGRAM Each person is a unique individual not only in terms of personality and temperament, but also with regard to their biochemistry. This is why blood typing and metabolic typing are two of the ways that we can test to determine what each individual needs for optimal wellness. There are of course the standardized blood tests that doctors routinely perform, and while these are a good starting point you should know that for anti aging purposes more specific tests are required to optimize your individual body chemistry. The testing protocols generally fall into several categories. There are blood, saliva, hair, and urine tests, as well as written or computer- based questionnaires that are used to pinpoint food sensitivities (blood typing) and metabolic status (metabolic typing). These are all diagnostic tools used either alone or many times in combination to discern an individual's unique biological profile, so as to create an effective plan for addressing all of their health and wellness issues. It is important to note that these tests do not measure "aging" directly. Rather they measure the markers for disease processes that are related to the aging process. Some of the most important tests for life extension program are: Chemistry Panel, CBC, HDL/LDL & total cholesterol, Triglycerides, Free Testosterone, Total Testosterone, DHEA-s, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), Estradiol, Progesterone, Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein, A-1C (Glycosylated Hemoglobin), Diabetes testing, Fasting insulin, Mineral assay, Arachidonic acid, Oxidative stress, Red Blood Cell Fatty Acid Test, Anti-oxidant status, Genomic testing Diagnostic testing enables us to determine how our bodies are functioning and aging, and to precisely address medical issues related to our individual needs. HOW TO GET STARTED Starting an anti-aging program begins with an evaluation of your current health and lifestyle needs. This can be done through an office visit with a physician specializing in anti-aging medicine. The typical consultation should include a complete history and physical examination. A qualified anti-aging physician will spend considerable time answering questions and explaining to you the science part behind an anti- aging program. It is important for you to understand exactly what you should do, how you should do it, and what you should expect after you embark on the program. Depending on your current state of health, additional laboratory tests may be needed. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Anti-aging medicine is a medical specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. This is quite different from tackling the aging process itself, and a wide array of strategies and therapies are currently available. Calorie restriction, for example, is a demonstrated way to lower risk for a wide range of age-related degenerative conditions. The concept of "optimizing natural longevity" is useful when trying to draw a distinct line between what you can do now to lead a longer, healthier life, and what will be possible in the future. We can presume that there exists, for each person, some maximum life span - an "optimized natural longevity" - that can reach using modern medicine and appropriate lifestyle and diet choices. You can adopt calorie restriction, exercise, keep up a good relationship with a physician, and spend an appropriate amount on supplements and healthcare. Each of these items will help you to optimize your natural longevity - enable you to live a few years longer and in better health than you would otherwise have done. Aging is a biological state with 3 phases :-       Phase   1: Ages 25 to 35, where hormonal levels start to decrease. Internal cellular damage by free radicals formation (caused by Environmental pollution, poor diet, stress, etc) is happening. -       Phase   2:   Ages 35 to 45. The production of many hormones has fallen by more than 25%. Clinical symptoms are making their presence felt on the outside. On the inside, cellular damage by free radical continues, where the rate of damage depends on the lifestyle. -          Phase    3 : Ages 45 and above. Most hormone production continues to decline. Outwardly, early signs and symptoms of aging seen worsen. The skin is further dehydrated and thinned as collagen fibers break down. Chronic illnesses became very apparent as organs begin to fail. Inwardly, as our cells succumb to assaults, mutation and cancer can arise. ARE THERE REALISTIC WAYS TO SLOW DOWN THE AGING PROCESS? The answer is yes!! But you need to know what to look for when you make choices on anti aging solutions. There are key ingredients to look for in order to find a true anti aging system or product. We can guide with you on these very important decisions that really will deliver results. It's never too late to slow down the aging process. The anti aging tips provided on this website will give you everything you need to know to look younger and feel good about yourself. There are essentially five main points in order of relative importance. 1. Anti aging Nutrition - Eat according to metabolic type, blood type and glycemic index - Eat foods containing the proper amounts of fiber - Eat foods free from pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones - Anti aging supplements, for basic vitamin, mineral, and anti- oxidant protection - Drink enough water on a daily basis Testing systems like blood and metabolic typing are tools to help determine what to eat for optimal health based on biochemical individuality. The glycemic index deals with blood sugar response to the foods you eat. It is an index that tells us how fast a particular food raises blood sugar levels. Rapid blood sugar increases in turn cause insulin increases and thus are best avoided. This is a key component of a longevity and anti aging diet; as the lower our average insulin levels the longer we will live. Knowing the nutrient content of foods, helps ensure we are getting the quality nutrition the body needs to function optimally and maintain health for as long as possible. The issues about anti aging and food, mainly concern food sensitivities or allergies that can increase inflammation and blood sugar count, which accelerate the aging process. The nutrient and antioxidant content of foods help control the physiological processes of aging, like as oxidative stress, cardiovascular health, and blood sugar levels. The effects of food processing can also alter their nutrient content and thus their value in an anti aging diet. Cooking can sometimes destroy valuable nutrients that are sensitive to heat. Milling can remove B-vitamins and good fiber from grains, rendering them less nutritious and more prone to cause rapid increases in blood sugar. Refined foods have been identified by many anti aging and health experts as one of the leading causes of chronic illness! Thus for anti aging nutrition purposes, foods should be eaten as close to their natural raw state as is safe and practical. Nutritional supplements are used to fill in the gaps with regard to vitamins and minerals that may not be supplied in adequate quantities in an individual's diet. Nutraceuticals and anti aging supplements are used to address specific medical conditions, which are related to the aging process in a way that is similar to drugs, but which is much safer. Aside from nutritional supplementation where needed, anti aging food of high quality and minimal processing remains one of the most powerful ways to ensure an optimal anti aging diet! If we are looking for ways to be healthier and live longer then we need to follow a healthy diet. We shouldn't wait until we start falling apart before implementing an anti aging nutrition regimen. Food creates energy and energy allows the body to produce free radicals. Free radicals contribute to certain diseases and the aging process. In order to neutralize free radicals, the body fights with antioxidants like vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They come from the food that we eat. These antioxidants are found in most fruits and vegetables and can also be taken as supplements to a diet. Anti aging nutrition is the key to slowing down or reversing the aging process. If we want to be healthy, live longer and look younger we need to make sure that our bodies get the nutrients that it needs.Our lifestyle and diet effect how we age. The good news is we can change some of our bad habits and implement new healthy habits. Doing this gives us a better chance to live a longer, healthier life. 2. Sleep - Get the required amount of restorative REM sleep each night 3. Exercise - Strength training to maintain lean muscle and bone density - Cardiovascular exercise for heart and lungs - Stretch to maintain flexibility and prevent injury People who exercise will be stronger, healthier and younger. 4. Hormonal Optimization - Herbs and nutritional supplements to optimize hormonal status - Bio-identical hormones prescribed by an anti aging physician - Neutralize the effects of environmental estrogens Optimizing your hormonal profile is vital for maintaining your immune health and warding off disease and infections.The optimization of these hormones requires precise testing to determine baseline levels and follow up testing to determine the results of the anti aging hormone preparations that have been administered. This should be done by a qualified anti aging physician.Keep in mind; these hormonal supplements don't come without warnings and side effects and any supplement that you take, might react adversely with other medications that you are taking, so be sure to consult with a physician before considering or taking any anti-aging therapy. 5. Emotional Health - Minimize effects of stress with relaxation techniquesEmotional health concerns the way you react to stress and what strategies you use to cope with stressful situations. Mental health is the ability to think clearly and logically, and to interact in a productive manner with your environment. That your emotions affect you physically is no secret, but most people do not understand why or how. Some emotions cause the release of stress hormones, which have negative effects on our bodies and can even speed up the aging process. Emotional and mental health can be optimized by ensuring good brain health, as well as learning how to reduce stress. This will allow you to avoid the destructive physiological effects of stress in your environment. Stress increases the levels of cortisol production in our body, which accelerates the aging process. Most stress relief modalities fall into 3 broad categories: Mental, Physical and Functional. Mental activities for stress reduction include music, reading, meditation, singing, etc. Physical activities include exercise and sports, Yoga, bicycling, walking, swimming etc. Functional style activities include massage, Zigong, hydro-therapy, etc. These methods can be mixed and matched. Find out that works best for you and make stress reduction a habit. TESTING FOR AN ANTI AGING PROGRAM Each person is a unique individual not only in terms of personality and temperament, but also with regard to their biochemistry. This is why blood typing and metabolic typing are two of the ways that we can test to determine what each individual needs for optimal wellness. There are of course the standardized blood tests that doctors routinely perform, and while these are a good starting point you should know that for anti aging purposes more specific tests are required to optimize your individual body chemistry. The testing protocols generally fall into several categories. There are blood, saliva, hair, and urine tests, as well as written or computer-based questionnaires that are used to pinpoint food sensitivities (blood typing) and metabolic status (metabolic typing). These are all diagnostic tools used either alone or many times in combination to discern an individual's unique biological profile, so as to create an effective plan for addressing all of their health and wellness issues. It is important to note that these tests do not measure "aging" directly. Rather they measure the markers for disease processes that are related to the aging process. Some of the most important tests for life extension program are: Chemistry Panel, CBC, HDL/LDL & total cholesterol, Triglycerides, Free Testosterone, Total Testosterone, DHEA-s, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), Estradiol, Progesterone, Homocysteine, C- Reactive Protein, A-1C (Glycosylated Hemoglobin), Diabetes testing, Fasting insulin, Mineral assay, Arachidonic acid, Oxidative stress, Red Blood Cell Fatty Acid Test, Anti-oxidant status, Genomic testing Diagnostic testing enables us to determine how our bodies are functioning and aging, and to precisely address medical issues related to our individual needs. HOW TO GET STARTED Starting an anti-aging program begins with an evaluation of your current health and lifestyle needs. This can be done through an office visit with a physician specializing in anti-aging medicine. The typical consultation should include a complete history and physical examination. A qualified anti-aging physician will spend considerable time answering questions and explaining to you the science part behind an anti-aging program. It is important for you to understand exactly what you should do, how you should do it, and what you should expect after you embark on the program. Depending on your current state of health, additional laboratory tests may be needed. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .