Leaky gut syndrome
Dysbiosis Profile - Urine A Measure of Microbial Metabolism The Russian scientist Metchnikoff popularized the idea of "Dysbiosis," describing an imbalance in the microecology of the digestive tract. When the microbial balance of the gut is disturbed, opportunistic, or "bad", bacteria can overgrow and mitigate the effects of the "good", predominant bacteria needed for a healthy gut. Advantages of the Dysbiosis Profile Reports D-arabinitol, a specific marker for Candida sp., which can cause disease in patients, especially if they are immunocompromised. Reports D-lactate, an indicator of L. acidophilus overgrowth and carbohydrate malabsorption. A single urine specimen is easy for patients, leading to increased patient compliance. Discrimination between microbial classes allows for more focused and targeted therapies. Why use the Dysbiosis Profile? The Dysbiosis Profile is a urine organic acid test measuring the by-products of microbial metabolism, and is particularly useful in detecting the presence of pathogenic microbial overgrowth. As a stand-alone test allows clinician to assess microbial overgrowth and guide and monitor targeted therapy in patients. Is Urine Organic Acid Testing Useful for Assessing Dysbiosis? Urine contains unique products of microbial metabolism which are used to measure small bowel yeast and bacterial overgrowth. With the exception of hippurate, the compounds measured in the Dysbiosis Profile, such as D-arabinitol, are not normally produced by human cells. Unfriendly intestinal microorganisms, however, can manufacture them in relatively high quantities. These compounds are absorbed into the blood from the intestines and eventually appear in a urine organic acid test. Symptoms of dysbiosis can be as diverse as: Behavioral disorders Chronic fatigue Depression Headache Immune dysfunction Insomnia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Joint pain Learning disorders Nutritional deficiencies Food allergies Skin disorders, acne... If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail: info@medicinabiologica.es
Dysbiosis Profile - Urine A Measure of Microbial Metabolism The Russian scientist Metchnikoff popularized the idea of "Dysbiosis," describing an imbalance in the microecology of the digestive tract. When the microbial balance of the gut is disturbed, opportunistic, or "bad", bacteria can overgrow and mitigate the effects of the "good", predominant bacteria needed for a healthy gut. Advantages of the Dysbiosis Profile Reports D-arabinitol, a specific marker for Candida sp., which can cause disease in patients, especially if they are immunocompromised. Reports D-lactate, an indicator of L. acidophilus overgrowth and carbohydrate malabsorption. A single urine specimen is easy for patients, leading to increased patient compliance. Discrimination between microbial classes allows for more focused and targeted therapies. Why use the Dysbiosis Profile? The Dysbiosis Profile is a urine organic acid test measuring the by- products of microbial metabolism, and is particularly useful in detecting the presence of pathogenic microbial overgrowth. As a stand-alone test allows clinician to assess microbial overgrowth and guide and monitor targeted therapy in patients. Is Urine Organic Acid Testing Useful for Assessing Dysbiosis? Urine contains unique products of microbial metabolism which are used to measure small bowel yeast and bacterial overgrowth. With the exception of hippurate, the compounds measured in the Dysbiosis Profile, such as D-arabinitol, are not normally produced by human cells. Unfriendly intestinal microorganisms, however, can manufacture them in relatively high quantities. These compounds are absorbed into the blood from the intestines and eventually appear in a urine organic acid test. Symptoms of dysbiosis can be as diverse as: Behavioral disorders Chronic fatigue Depression Headache Immune dysfunction Insomnia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Joint pain Learning disorders Nutritional deficiencies Food allergies Skin disorders, acne... If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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