Colon Hydrotherapy
Of all the vital organs of the body, the large intestine is the one which suffers most of the consequences of the dietetic costums of our actual method of life. Instead of that it turns into septic tank; sooner or later everything we eat must be eliminated. Meanwhile the waste can stay years rotting into our body, causing serious illnesses. The toxicity is the real problem because of many of the chronic and degenerative illnesses. It is useless to get into a diet programm without having first released the toxic waste acumulated in the digestive channel. It is only possible to do it by the colon hydro therapy. Why do we need the colon hydro therapy? 1. Nowadays we have denatured nutrition or with a lot of fat. It will cause bad intestinal function if you eat more, frequently and without regulation. 2. The sedentary life produce constipation. 3. Antibiotics, corticoids and contraceptive can change the flora’s balance. 4. It causes the weekness of intestinal motility and disbiosis if you use too much purgative. 5. It can change flora if you take too much medicines. 6. The environmental pollution and the teeth filling also modify the oxigen’s exchange in the intestinal area, due to that can produce a poisoning of all the organs. What does the colon hydro do? 1. It is stabilizing immunology: There are 80% of the organs’ defense in the mucous of the small and large intestine. The cleaning of the lymphatic ganglion in the intestines contribute the balance of the immune system. With this detoxication the allergic process will be reduced. 2. It is destroyer of Mycosis: It can dissolves the intestinal adherences and reduces the Mycosis’s focus stuck on the intestinal wall. Combining with a homeopathic treatment it also reduces the tendence to suffer intestinal Mycosis. What is the colon hydro therapy? As its own name says, it consists on doing a therapy or a cleaning of the total large intestine by water, which has not got any more property than the one of being filtered, having a definite temperature and pressure. Indications of the colon hydro therapy : The most important are the own illnesses of the large intestine. Among them : Constipation Irritable colon, colitis Spastic colon, astonished colon Diarrhoea Flatulence Diverticulitis Parasitosis, intestinal mycosis Morbus Crohn Autointoxication, which brings : 1.Tiredness 2. Premature old-looking of the skin 3. Loss of sex appetite. 4. Prostatic problems 5. Fertility problems 6. Chronic ORL diseases : - Sinusitis - Rhinitis 7. Kidney diseases 8. Gynaecologic diseases : - Dysmenorrheas - Osteoporosis 9. Vasculars diseases - Lymphatic troubles - Edemas - Cellulitis - Varicose veins, hemorrhoids 10. Dermatology diseases : - Azne - Eczemas - Psoriasis - Allergies 11. Weakness of inmunology system 12. High blood pressure and low blood pressure 13. Neurology diseases - Depression - Stress - Migraine, headache 14. Pulmonary diseases 15. Rheumatic diseases - Arthrosis - Arthritis - Lumbago 16. Digestive diseases - Hepatic - Obesity Contraindications: - Anal fissure / anal fistula, acute severe haemorrhoids. - Abdominal hernia. - Pregnancy from the third month. - Digestive hemorrhage. - Cardiac syncope - Acute inflammations (appendicitis). - Large intestine’s neoplasia. - Pelvic adherences. - Strong and very decompensated arterial high blood pressure. - Intestinal necrosis by irradiation. - Anaeurysm. - Colon recent operation. - Kidney failure, Cirrhosis - Severe anemia BEFORE A COLON HYDRO THERAPY : Before and after the treatment we recommend a rich vegetable diet, fruits (apples), cereals, drink a lot of water, and exercise. Try to avoid sugar, white flour, meat and derivative products, dairy products. One hour before the appointment is recommendable not to eat anything. It is necesary the patient's colaboration in his nutrition, If you need a longer efect. Ask your doctor for a suitable diet. ¿WHICH ADVANTAGES HAS THE CROMOTHERAPY IN OUR NEW MACHINE? Each color has its specific vibration. This frequency influences fine energetic centers, which are activating special stimulations on a physical resp. psychical base (10 – 20 minutes with a color, which is combined according to their individual requirement). It is also a positive effect, if the patient can assimilate the light with his eyes. This depends on the mounting of the device. The light impulse is guided via the nervus opticus to the limbal system and then to the hypothalamus and the hypophysis. Corresponding to this the functions related to will be activated or sedated, depending on the choice of color, for example red or green are activating colors Here are the spheres of influence of the different colors: Red Red is a powerful colour that has always been associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts. However, it is also associated with anger; if we have too much red in our system, or around us, we may feel irritable, impatient, and uncomfortable. Yellow Yellow is also a happy, bright, and uplifting colour, a celebration of sunny days. It is associated with the intellectual side of the mind, and the expression of thoughts. It therefore aids the powers of discernment and dis-crimination, memory and clear thinking, decision making and good judgment. It also helps good organization, assimilation of new ideas, and the ability to see different points of view. It builds self- confidence and encourages an optimistic attitude. Conversely, dull yellow can be the colour of fear. Green Green has a strong affinity with nature, helping us connect with empathy to others and the natural world. We instinctively seek it out when under stress or experiencing emotional trauma. It creates a feeling of comfort, laziness and relaxation, calmness, and space, lesseining stress, balancing and soothing the emotions. Dark green represents the onset of death and is non-descript, unassertive, a negation of love and joy. Lime green and olive green can have a detrimental effect on both physical and emotional health since sickly yellow and green are associated with the emotions of envy, resentment, and possessiveness. Blue Blue is a cool, calming colour and is associated with a higher part of the mind than yellow. It represents the night, so it makes us feel calm and relaxed as if we are being soothed by the deep blue of the night sky. Light and soft blue, make us feel quiet and protected from all the bustle and activity of the day, and alleviates insomnia. Blue inspires mental control, clarity, and creativity. Midnight blue has a strong sedative effect on the mind, allowing us to connect to our intuitive and feminine side. Too much dark blue can be depressing however. White The colour of ultimate purity is white. It is an all-around colour of protection, bringing peace and comfort, alleviating emotional shock and despair, and helping inner cleansing of emotions, thoughts, and spirit. If you need time and space to reflect on your life, white can give you a freedom, and uncluttered openness. Too much white, however, can be cold and isolating. CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION: 1.- HISTORY 2.- EFFECTS 3.- PATHOLOGIES . 4.- CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE INTESTINES 5.- COLON CLEANSING BEFORE COLONOSCOPY References Vassey, C. 1992. Las toxinas, ¿cómo eliminarlas del organismo?. Urano. Roselló, R. 2001. Limpieza interior. Jensen, B. 1992. Limpieza de los tejidos a través de Intestino {Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management}. Walker, N. 1979. Colon Health, the key to a vibrant life. Norwalk Press Cayce, E. 1971. Edgar Cayce"s guide to Colon Care. Inner Vision Publishing Co. Weinberger, S. 1988. Healing within, the complete guide to Colon Health Medsker. 1997. Understanding the need for Colon Hydrotherapy. {Comprendiendo la necesidad de la Hidroterapia del Colon} Medsker Publishing Co. Scholz, N.; Lúhr, K.; Heribert, D. 1998. Fitness für den Darm. Verlag Gesundheit Walker, NW. 1993. Darm-Gesundheit ohne Vertopfung. Worldthausen Verlag Mignot, J. L"Hydrothérapie du Colon. Editions Jouvence Mannier-Shraer, G. 1992. La Santé par l"Hygiène Intestinale. Editions 3 Fontaines Poirot, C. 1997. Les Intestines Naturellement. Massa, B. 1996. Rigenerarsi con la Idrocolonterapia. Editorial Emar. Ullrich, M. 2003. Hidroterapia del Colon Terrass, S. 1996. Síndrome del Colon irritable. Ediciones tutor S.A. Monasterio, M. Introducción a la terapia colónica. Ediciones Kier. Kousmine, C. 1988. Salve su Cuerpo. Asociación Médica Kousmine. 1999. Los Cinco Pilares de la Salud: El Método Kousmine. Ediciones Urano. Moritz, A. Limpieza hepática y de la vesícula. Ediciones Obelisco. Gray, R. 1986. The Colon Health Handbook. Emerald Publishing Briel JW, Schouten WR, Vlot EA, et al. Clinical value of colonic irrigation in patients with continence disturbances. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 1997;40(7):802-805. Weiss, J.; Burnett, V. Colon Cleansing, The Best-kept Secret Walker, N. Colon Health: the Key to a Vibrant Life Baker, M. Colon Irrigation: A Forgotten Key To Health Collings, J. Principles Of Colonic Irrigation Trickett, S. 1990. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Diverticulosis Dorman, T. Exploring Issues of Philosophy and Conscience. Colonics article in Contemporary Health Care, August 2000 - Vol. 5, Issue 8. Bail, J. P., Juglard, G., Framery, D., Deligny, M., and Charles, J. F. [Value of colonic irrigation. Long-term followed-up in 432 colostomized patients]. Presse Med 11-19-1994;23(36):1651-1654. Bastedo WA. Colonic irrigations: their administration, therapeutic application and dangers. JAMA 1932;98:734-736. Cazemier M, Felt-Bersma RJ, Mulder CJ. Anal plugs and retrograde colonic irrigation are helpful in fecal incontinence or constipation. World J Gastroenterology. 2007 Jun 14;13(22):3101-5. Centracchio P. A., Tony. Colon Hydrotherapy–A Forgotten Art; The American Chiropractor; October 1986 pp. 55-5940. Church JM. Warm water irrigation for dealing with spasm during colonoscopy: simple, inexpensive, and effective. Gastrointest Endosc 2002; Nov, 56(5):672-674. Collins D. Colon therapy. In Joseph Pizzorno and Michael Murray, eds. A Textbook of Natural Medicine (Seattle: Bastyr University Publications, 1993). Vol. 1 Collins JG, Mittman P. Effects of colon irrigation on serum electrolytes. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, Vol 1, Number 1, 1990;1:4-9. The Colon Hydrotherapists Network. Colon Hydrotherapy and its Clinical Applications. Retrieved on 2005-08-31. Friedenwald J, Morrison S. Value, limitations, indications and technic of colonic irrigations. Medical Clinics of North America, May 1935, 1611-1629. Horne S., Colon cleansing: a popular, but misunderstood natural therapy. J Herb Pharmacother. 2006;6(2):93-100. American Herbalists Guild, St. George, UT 84791, USA. Hunt, T. Colonic irrigation. Nurs.Mirror.Midwives.J 7-5-1974;139(1):76-77. Hunt, T. C. Colonic irrigation. Practitioner 1972;208(246):523-524. Kelvinson RC. Colonic hydrotherapy: a review of the available literature. Compl Ther Med 1995;3:88-92. Koch SM, Uludağ O, El Naggar K, van Gemert WG, Baeten CG., Colonic irrigation for defecation disorders after dynamic graciloplasty. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Feb;23(2):195-200. Epub 2007 Sep 21. Lestár B, Polányi C, Bihari L, Garcia J, Vörös A. [Antegrade colonic enema is a choice for the treatment of faecal incontinence and constipation] Magy Seb. 2007 Aug;60(4):210-4. Hungarian. Lim JF, Tang CL, Seow-Choen F, et al. Prospective, randomized trial comparing intraoperative colonic irrigation with manual decompression only for obstructed left-sided colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2005;48(2):205-209. Messina, B. and Grassi, M. [Hydrotherapy in colonic diseases]. Clin Ter. 6-30-1978;85(6):619-629. Zhao Fa, Guo LinLi, Hua JH. Colon Hydrotherapy for Pre-endoscopy preparation. Hebei Medical Journal, Dec 2004, Vol 25, No. 12. Pizzetti D, Annibali R, Bufo A, Pescatori M. Colonic hydrotherapy for obstructed defecation, Colorectal Dis. 2005 Jan;7(1) Taffinder NJ, Tan E, Webb IG, McDonald PJ. Retrograde commercial colonic hydrotherapy. Colorectal Dis. 2004 Jul;6(4):258-60. Tod AM, Stringer E, Levery C, Dean J, Brown J. Rectal irrigation in the management of functional bowel disorders: a review. Br J Nurs. 2007 Jul 26-Aug 8;16(14):858-64. Triadafilopoulos G, Simms RW, Goldenberg DL. Bowel dysfunction in fibromyalgia syndrome. Dig Dis Sci 1991;36:59-64. Van der Berg MM, Geerdes BP, Heij HA, et al. Defecation disorders in children: treatment with colonic irrigation through an appendicostomy. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005;149(8):418-422. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Colon Hydrotherapy
Of all the vital organs of the body, the large intestine is the one which suffers most of the consequences of the dietetic costums of our actual method of life. Instead of that it turns into septic tank; sooner or later everything we eat must be eliminated. Meanwhile the waste can stay years rotting into our body, causing serious illnesses. The toxicity is the real problem because of many of the chronic and degenerative illnesses. It is useless to get into a diet programm without having first released the toxic waste acumulated in the digestive channel. It is only possible to do it by the colon hydro therapy. Why do we need the colon hydro therapy? 1. Nowadays we have denatured nutrition or with a lot of fat. It will cause bad intestinal function if you eat more, frequently and without regulation. 2. The sedentary life produce constipation. 3. Antibiotics, corticoids and contraceptive can change the flora’s balance. 4. It causes the weekness of intestinal motility and disbiosis if you use too much purgative. 5. It can change flora if you take too much medicines. 6. The environmental pollution and the teeth filling also modify the oxigen’s exchange in the intestinal area, due to that can produce a poisoning of all the organs. What does the colon hydro do? 1. It is stabilizing immunology: There are 80% of the organs’ defense in the mucous of the small and large intestine. The cleaning of the lymphatic ganglion in the intestines contribute the balance of the immune system. With this detoxication the allergic process will be reduced. 2. It is destroyer of Mycosis: It can dissolves the intestinal adherences and reduces the Mycosis’s focus stuck on the intestinal wall. Combining with a homeopathic treatment it also reduces the tendence to suffer intestinal Mycosis. What is the colon hydro therapy? As its own name says, it consists on doing a therapy or a cleaning of the total large intestine by water, which has not got any more property than the one of being filtered, having a definite temperature and pressure. Indications of the colon hydro therapy : The most important are the own illnesses of the large intestine. Among them : Constipation Irritable colon, colitis Spastic colon, astonished colon Diarrhoea Flatulence Diverticulitis Parasitosis, intestinal mycosis Morbus Crohn Autointoxication, which brings : 1.Tiredness 2. Premature old-looking of the skin 3. Loss of sex appetite. 4. Prostatic problems 5. Fertility problems 6. Chronic ORL diseases : - Sinusitis - Rhinitis 7. Kidney diseases 8. Gynaecologic diseases : - Dysmenorrheas - Osteoporosis 9. Vasculars diseases - Lymphatic troubles - Edemas - Cellulitis - Varicose veins, hemorrhoids 10. Dermatology diseases : - Azne - Eczemas - Psoriasis - Allergies 11. Weakness of inmunology system 12. High blood pressure and low blood pressure 13. Neurology diseases - Depression - Stress - Migraine, headache 14. Pulmonary diseases 15. Rheumatic diseases - Arthrosis - Arthritis - Lumbago 16. Digestive diseases - Hepatic - Obesity Contraindications: - Anal fissure / anal fistula, acute severe haemorrhoids. - Abdominal hernia. - Pregnancy from the third month. - Digestive hemorrhage. - Cardiac syncope - Acute inflammations (appendicitis). - Large intestine’s neoplasia. - Pelvic adherences. - Strong and very decompensated arterial high blood pressure. - Intestinal necrosis by irradiation. - Anaeurysm. - Colon recent operation. - Kidney failure, Cirrhosis - Severe anemia BEFORE A COLON HYDRO THERAPY : Before and after the treatment we recommend a rich vegetable diet, fruits (apples), cereals, drink a lot of water, and exercise. Try to avoid sugar, white flour, meat and derivative products, dairy products. One hour before the appointment is recommendable not to eat anything. It is necesary the patient's colaboration in his nutrition, If you need a longer efect. Ask your doctor for a suitable diet. ¿WHICH ADVANTAGES HAS THE CROMOTHERAPY IN OUR NEW MACHINE? Each color has its specific vibration. This frequency influences fine energetic centers, which are activating special stimulations on a physical resp. psychical base (10 20 minutes with a color, which is combined according to their individual requirement). It is also a positive effect, if the patient can assimilate the light with his eyes. This depends on the mounting of the device. The light impulse is guided via the nervus opticus to the limbal system and then to the hypothalamus and the hypophysis. Corresponding to this the functions related to will be activated or sedated, depending on the choice of color, for example red or green are activating colors Here are the spheres of influence of the different colors: Red Red is a powerful colour that has always been associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts. However, it is also associated with anger; if we have too much red in our system, or around us, we may feel irritable, impatient, and uncomfortable. Yellow Yellow is also a happy, bright, and uplifting colour, a celebration of sunny days. It is associated with the intellectual side of the mind, and the expression of thoughts. It therefore aids the powers of discernment and dis-crimination, memory and clear thinking, decision making and good judgment. It also helps good organization, assimilation of new ideas, and the ability to see different points of view. It builds self-confidence and encourages an optimistic attitude. Conversely, dull yellow can be the colour of fear. Green Green has a strong affinity with nature, helping us connect with empathy to others and the natural world. We instinctively seek it out when under stress or experiencing emotional trauma. It creates a feeling of comfort, laziness and relaxation, calmness, and space, lesseining stress, balancing and soothing the emotions. Dark green represents the onset of death and is non-descript, unassertive, a negation of love and joy. Lime green and olive green can have a detrimental effect on both physical and emotional health since sickly yellow and green are associated with the emotions of envy, resentment, and possessiveness. Blue Blue is a cool, calming colour and is associated with a higher part of the mind than yellow. It represents the night, so it makes us feel calm and relaxed as if we are being soothed by the deep blue of the night sky. Light and soft blue, make us feel quiet and protected from all the bustle and activity of the day, and alleviates insomnia. Blue inspires mental control, clarity, and creativity. Midnight blue has a strong sedative effect on the mind, allowing us to connect to our intuitive and feminine side. Too much dark blue can be depressing however. White The colour of ultimate purity is white. It is an all-around colour of protection, bringing peace and comfort, alleviating emotional shock and despair, and helping inner cleansing of emotions, thoughts, and spirit. If you need time and space to reflect on your life, white can give you a freedom, and uncluttered openness. Too much white, however, can be cold and isolating. CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION: 1.- HISTORY 2.- EFFECTS 3.- PATHOLOGIES . 4.- CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE INTESTINES 5.- COLON CLEANSING BEFORE COLONOSCOPY References Vassey, C. 1992. Las toxinas, ¿cómo eliminarlas del organismo?. Urano. Roselló, R. 2001. Limpieza interior. Jensen, B. 1992. Limpieza de los tejidos a través de Intestino {Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management}. Walker, N. 1979. Colon Health, the key to a vibrant life. Norwalk Press Cayce, E. 1971. Edgar Cayce"s guide to Colon Care. Inner Vision Publishing Co. Weinberger, S. 1988. Healing within, the complete guide to Colon Health Medsker. 1997. Understanding the need for Colon Hydrotherapy. {Comprendiendo la necesidad de la Hidroterapia del Colon} Medsker Publishing Co. Scholz, N.; Lúhr, K.; Heribert, D. 1998. Fitness für den Darm. Verlag Gesundheit Walker, NW. 1993. Darm-Gesundheit ohne Vertopfung. Worldthausen Verlag Mignot, J. L"Hydrothérapie du Colon. Editions Jouvence Mannier-Shraer, G. 1992. La Santé par l"Hygiène Intestinale. Editions 3 Fontaines Poirot, C. 1997. Les Intestines Naturellement. Massa, B. 1996. Rigenerarsi con la Idrocolonterapia. Editorial Emar. Ullrich, M. 2003. Hidroterapia del Colon Terrass, S. 1996. Síndrome del Colon irritable. Ediciones tutor S.A. Monasterio, M. Introducción a la terapia colónica. Ediciones Kier. Kousmine, C. 1988. Salve su Cuerpo. Asociación Médica Kousmine. 1999. Los Cinco Pilares de la Salud: El Método Kousmine. Ediciones Urano. Moritz, A. Limpieza hepática y de la vesícula. Ediciones Obelisco. Gray, R. 1986. The Colon Health Handbook. Emerald Publishing Briel JW, Schouten WR, Vlot EA, et al. Clinical value of colonic irrigation in patients with continence disturbances. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 1997;40(7):802-805. Weiss, J.; Burnett, V. Colon Cleansing, The Best-kept Secret Walker, N. Colon Health: the Key to a Vibrant Life Baker, M. Colon Irrigation: A Forgotten Key To Health Collings, J. Principles Of Colonic Irrigation Trickett, S. 1990. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Diverticulosis Dorman, T. Exploring Issues of Philosophy and Conscience. Colonics article in Contemporary Health Care, August 2000 - Vol. 5, Issue 8. Bail, J. P., Juglard, G., Framery, D., Deligny, M., and Charles, J. F. [Value of colonic irrigation. Long-term followed-up in 432 colostomized patients]. Presse Med 11-19-1994;23(36):1651-1654. Bastedo WA. Colonic irrigations: their administration, therapeutic application and dangers. JAMA 1932;98:734-736. Cazemier M, Felt-Bersma RJ, Mulder CJ. Anal plugs and retrograde colonic irrigation are helpful in fecal incontinence or constipation. World J Gastroenterology. 2007 Jun 14;13(22):3101-5. Centracchio P. A., Tony. Colon Hydrotherapy–A Forgotten Art; The American Chiropractor; October 1986 pp. 55-5940. Church JM. Warm water irrigation for dealing with spasm during colonoscopy: simple, inexpensive, and effective. Gastrointest Endosc 2002; Nov, 56(5):672-674. Collins D. Colon therapy. In Joseph Pizzorno and Michael Murray, eds. A Textbook of Natural Medicine (Seattle: Bastyr University Publications, 1993). Vol. 1 Collins JG, Mittman P. Effects of colon irrigation on serum electrolytes. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, Vol 1, Number 1, 1990;1:4-9. The Colon Hydrotherapists Network. Colon Hydrotherapy and its Clinical Applications. Retrieved on 2005-08-31. Friedenwald J, Morrison S. Value, limitations, indications and technic of colonic irrigations. Medical Clinics of North America, May 1935, 1611-1629. Horne S., Colon cleansing: a popular, but misunderstood natural therapy. J Herb Pharmacother. 2006;6(2):93-100. American Herbalists Guild, St. George, UT 84791, USA. Hunt, T. Colonic irrigation. Nurs.Mirror.Midwives.J 7-5- 1974;139(1):76-77. Hunt, T. C. Colonic irrigation. Practitioner 1972;208(246):523- 524. Kelvinson RC. Colonic hydrotherapy: a review of the available literature. Compl Ther Med 1995;3:88-92. Koch SM, Uludağ O, El Naggar K, van Gemert WG, Baeten CG., Colonic irrigation for defecation disorders after dynamic graciloplasty. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Feb;23(2):195-200. Epub 2007 Sep 21. Lestár B, Polányi C, Bihari L, Garcia J, Vörös A. [Antegrade colonic enema is a choice for the treatment of faecal incontinence and constipation] Magy Seb. 2007 Aug;60(4):210-4. Hungarian. Lim JF, Tang CL, Seow-Choen F, et al. Prospective, randomized trial comparing intraoperative colonic irrigation with manual decompression only for obstructed left-sided colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2005;48(2):205-209. Messina, B. and Grassi, M. [Hydrotherapy in colonic diseases]. Clin Ter. 6-30-1978;85(6):619-629. Zhao Fa, Guo LinLi, Hua JH. Colon Hydrotherapy for Pre- endoscopy preparation. Hebei Medical Journal, Dec 2004, Vol 25, No. 12. Pizzetti D, Annibali R, Bufo A, Pescatori M. Colonic hydrotherapy for obstructed defecation, Colorectal Dis. 2005 Jan;7(1) Taffinder NJ, Tan E, Webb IG, McDonald PJ. Retrograde commercial colonic hydrotherapy. Colorectal Dis. 2004 Jul;6(4):258- 60. Tod AM, Stringer E, Levery C, Dean J, Brown J. Rectal irrigation in the management of functional bowel disorders: a review. Br J Nurs. 2007 Jul 26-Aug 8;16(14):858-64. Triadafilopoulos G, Simms RW, Goldenberg DL. Bowel dysfunction in fibromyalgia syndrome. Dig Dis Sci 1991;36:59-64. Van der Berg MM, Geerdes BP, Heij HA, et al. Defecation disorders in children: treatment with colonic irrigation through an appendicostomy. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005;149(8):418-422. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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